You know the type: she's the woman who still fits in her wedding dress (perfectly) after 15 - 20 - or even 30 years! No matter what she eats or how many babies she has, she still looks great. She's fit and healthy. Gaining weight never crosses her mind. What's her secret?
If you have ever wondered how some people can remain the same clothing size year after year and decade after decade, than you may be surprised to learn that many of them do something extremely simple: they add basic strength training exercises to their daily workout routine.
As we age, our metabolism begins to slow. Everyone's does it. As a matter-of-fact, it has been reported that the average adult will gain as many as 10 pounds every decade without ever increasing their caloric intake due to this natural phenomenon.
There are only two ways to combat this middle age spread:
eat less increase your fat burning potential
Since most of us do not want to cut back on what we eat just because we are getting older, the next best thing to do is boost your fat burning potential. But, how? Statistics show that people who add just a half an hour of strength training exercises to their workout three times per week can boost their metabolism by a whopping 16%! That can add up to a lot of weight over a year - two years - or longer. At the very least, it should be enough to keep your body looking fit and healthy no matter what your age.
The reason that strength training works as well to alleviate normal weight gain as you age is because it helps to build strong muscle; and muscle is the body's best natural fat burner. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will be able to burn during any type of activity. Believe it or not, a person who strength trains can burn twice the calories in an hour than someone who relies on aerobic exercise alone to stay fit. Maybe that is why so many older people now rely on basic strength training exercises to keep weight gain at bay.
But what types of strength training exercise s work for building calorie burning muscles without making you look like a body builder? Wearing ankle weights while walking works for some. Using rubber bands for tension is another. There is no need to lift hundreds of pounds. Something as simple as carrying 3-5 pound weights can be enough depending on your size, age and overall health. The best way to figure out what will work for you is to schedule a short 30-60 minute session with a certified strength trainer who can review your health issues and devise a plan that you can use regularly to build muscle and stay in shape. There's no need to see this type of trainer regularly as long as you are dedicated enough to follow his/her plan on your own.
Strength training videos are another great source to learn the tips, tricks and techniques you will need to add this important exercise plan to your weekly routine.